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Create Your Own Home Buyer Financing


The best way to buy a home is to finance the entire purchase with your own money. But the trouble is that this takes a lot of time and planning and should only be done with expert help. A single person can create their financing plan by following these steps. Still, you will need an experienced loan officer or real estate agent to help guide you through any additional steps or regulations that may apply in your situation.


This article provides creative ways for individuals to find financing outside of traditional routes, including creative ways for non-owner occupants and rental property owners to get financing for purchases of their property.


Step one: Consider your down payment. Remember, the traditional route to buying a home is to put down at least 20% of the purchase price. This allows for a lower interest rate for the buyer with a significant amount of equity in the property. If you have less money, you will need to look into other avenues to finance your purchase. Go to https://www.southernhillshomebuyers.com/we-buy-houses-fort-worth-texas/ and buy a home.


Step Two: Get pre-approved through a private lender. The best way to see if you qualify is to get pre-approved by an independent lender or mortgage broker. If you get pre-qualified, you can then shop around and see who has the best rates.


Step Three: Evaluate your costs. This step is an important one to do by yourself. Take your budget and see which expenses need to be cut to save enough money. You will want to set up a plan on how much you need to save to make it possible.


Step Four: Calculate your down payment amount. Many applicants get lost because they need more money saved up for the down payment. You will want to calculate how much money you need to come up with to afford a monthly mortgage.


Step Five: Calculate your monthly payment. Take the home’s total cost and divide it by your proposed mortgage amount.


Step Six: Calculate your income. Take your proposed annual salary and subtract taxes, retirement, insurance, and other fixed expenses. Make sure you remember all of these costs, especially if they are non-negotiable (you may want to set these expenses aside as a part of your budget). Now take this number and subtract any additional savings from it (to build an emergency fund or include in the money you need for the down payment on the home).